Wednesday 12 March 2014

Weigh In Wednesday! - Lite n' Easy Week 8 Weightloss Journey - Week Eight Weigh In

Weight Loss Weigh In
YES! 10.7 kg down!
Week Eight
 Oh my I was so excited!!! 10.7kgs lost in eight weeks, that’s awesome! I never thought I could do it and in only two months!  This is officially the most weight I have lost in my life so far.

Weightloss Week 8
Weight lost this week: 1.4kg (3.08 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8kg (328 pounds)
End of Week 8 weight: 138.1kg (304.45 pounds)
Total weightloss: 10.7kg (23.58 pounds)

More Figures

I know that the figures don't change much at the moment but I know that after a while these figures will change and it will be exciting to see.

Body Fat = 56.7%
A healthy Body Fat percentage is 22 - 32%.

Visceral Fat = 19  
Excess Level Visceral Fat is 13 – 59
Visceral Fat Is the fat that is in the internal abdomanal cavity surrounding the vital organs.  Too much viceral fat can increase the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease high blood pressure and the onset of type two diabetes. 

Water Range = 32.2% 
Healthy Water Range is 45 - 60% but I do weigh myself in the morning when I have just woken up.

Physique Rating = 3
Physique Ratings: 1 = Hidden Obese, 2 = Obese, 3 = Solidly Built, 4 = Under Exercised, 5 = Standard, 6 = Standard Muscular, 7 = Thin, 8 = Thin and Muscular, 9 = Very Muscular.

Muscle Mass = 57.2kg
Bone Mass = 3.0kg
They did not have much to say on Muscle Mass or Bone Mass, I know that I'm normal for the bone mass for my weight range.

Thoughts on Lite n' Easy
I’m still really enjoying the food, I think it has enough variety not to get too boring.  I still don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything at all J

Goals for next week
Yep, you guessed it, I want to exercise more.  I have a head cold at the moment so hopefully I can get rid of it quickly and work my butt off!  It’s been working well eating back the calories I've burned off.

How are you guys going? 

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