Wednesday 9 April 2014

Weigh In Wednesday! - Lite n' Easy Week 12 Weightloss Journey - Week Twelve Weigh In

weigh in wednesday
Sorry about the crap photo! 
Week Twelve

I did it all on my own this week, no Lite n’ Easy.  I didn’t think I would fall off the bandwagon because I’m seeing this as a lifestyle change and not a weight loss week.  It was interesting and educational working out how to make interesting lunches and sorting out calories but I’m so glad to be on Lite n’ Easy next week.  All the weighing food and counting calories just does my head in. 

I do want to go off Lite n’ Easy gradually so I plan on trying a few recipes here and there, so you will still see them every now and then J

Weightloss Week 12
Weight lost this week: 0.3kg (0.66 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 136.5kg (300 pounds)
Total weightloss: 12.3kg (27.11 pounds)

Thoughts on this week
I may have only lost 0.3kg this week, however, I put on muscle and decreased my body fat percentage. I’m proud of myself for not being tempted preparing my own food.  If anything it made me more determined that I could do it.  It was fun to think of new ways of working with the same ingredients, making them quick, healthy and keeping costs down.  It is cheaper to do it yourself but you pay for convenience as always.

Thank you to everyone for your suggestions this week, supporting me and passing on your positive comments about the recipes, it makes it all worth it! J

Goals for next week
Keep my strength training up, I realised I only did strength training once this week, I plan to do two.  I think I might mix up the exercise a bit so it’s not all dancing, I love dancing but I think exercise is more effective when you mix it up.

More Figures
These figures are possible because of the Tanita BC571 scales I use.

Body Fat = 55.9%
This is down from last week!
A healthy Body Fat percentage is 22 - 32%.

Visceral Fat = 19  
Excess Level Visceral Fat is 13 – 59
Visceral Fat Is the fat that is in the internal abdomanal cavity surrounding the vital organs.  Too much viceral fat can increase the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease high blood pressure and the onset of type two diabetes. 

Water Range = 32.9% 
This is up from last week!
Healthy Water Range is 45 - 60% but I do weigh myself in the morning when I have just woken up.

Physique Rating = 3
Physique Ratings: 1 = Hidden Obese, 2 = Obese, 3 = Solidly Built, 4 = Under Exercised, 5 = Standard, 6 = Standard Muscular, 7 = Thin, 8 = Thin and Muscular, 9 = Very Muscular.

Muscle Mass = 57.3 kg
This is up from last week!
Bone Mass = 3.0kg

They did not have much to say on Muscle Mass or Bone Mass, I know that I'm normal for the bone mass for my weight range.

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