Thursday 17 April 2014

Lite n' Easy Weight Loss Week Thirteen Day Seven - What Have I Done?

Week 13
Day 7 - Tuesday
What Have I Done?

lite n easy
Are you there Cheese? 

Breakfast: Melted Cheese and Tomato on a toasted Multigrain Muffin

The cheese is on there, I promise. 

Morning Snack: Two Fruits Fruit Cup

I've had so much on lately that I completely forgot to have my morning snack, oops!

lite n' easy meat
How about just Broccoli Pasta?
Lunch: Broccoli & Chicken Pasta Bake 
Red Apple

The Chicken really let this dish down.  You can see it from the image, doesn't look great does it?  Fix the quality of some of your meat please Lite n' Easy!

lite and easy

Afternoon Snack: Corn Chips with Salsa Dip

 Love this snack, I wish I knew which Salsa Dip they use as it's great.

liteneasy dinners
Love this one

How can you go wrong with Roast Chicken and Mushroom Sauce? Delicious. 

Glasses of water: 5

iherb haul
Additional Items: Justin's Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup (from iHerb here, see what else I got here)

OMG! These are soooooooo good!  I'm concerned that these are now in my house!  What have I done? At least they are only 80 calories and I'm certain they are loads better for me than the Reese's ones.

Exercise: None

As I said, I have had a lot going on so my exercise and this blog have suffered.  Life always gets in the way of life, doesn't it. 

weight loss food diary
My Fitness Pal - Food Diary


  1. I've loved following you on your blog posts. I'm on my third week of LNE with my partner and we are loving it! How good is it not to have to think about what is right to eat and have it there?
    It has really opened my eyes to how big my portion sizes were before. I haven't lost any great amount of weight yet 2kg on the 1200 diet but my partner has lost 5kg on 1800. I have a few questions though, do you find you are hungry? I'm trying the 1500 calorie this week but I'm concerned I won't lose much since I don't seem to be losing as much as others early on.
    Hope I haven't rambled to much haha

    1. Thanks Rebecca! :) I'm glad you've enjoyed it! I know, it's so convenient!

      I know what you mean, I didn't think my portion sizes were that bad until I saw an old photo of what I used to have! WOW!

      2kg is a great amount of weight for 3 weeks! Don't be so hard on yourself! Great amounts of weight loss are not healthy. A loss is a loss is a loss! It takes years for us to put on weight, so I don't know why we put so much pressure on ourselves to lose it so quickly. (I do it to)

      My weight loss is all over the place from 300 grams to 1.4 kg a week. I was not hungry on the 1200 calories, but I'm eating more than 1200 calories, usually about 1500 because I'm exercising. When I exercise I'm so much more hungry and it's important to eat back the calories you burn off during exercise.

      I was on the 1200 calorie, exercising and feeling like crap and got sick. So keep notice of your energy levels.

      Try not to compare yourself to others as we are all completely different and our bodies work in very different ways. I'm sure some have lost more or less in 13 weeks than I, but I focus on my journey and what works for me.

      What has worked for me personally is drinking 2 litres of water a day (I struggle with this sometimes), spacing out your meals to 2-3 hours apart and paying attention to my energy levels.

      You haven't rambled at all. I hope my response isn't too much of a novel for you. :)

      All the best and feel free to contact or comment if you have any further questions.

      Thank you,


    2. Thanks Melanie. I love long answers (better for me to understand) yeah I should keep up my water intake, I do notice that when I have the 2L of water I feel less hungry :)

      I agree we should put less stress on ourselves to lose weight quickly especially if want to have it off for good. oh well.

      I think I'll go back to 1200 this week especially after Easter, maybe supplement with some of the snacks I didn't eat from this week.

      Thanks so much for the encouragement and good luck on your journey!

    3. Good to hear Rebecca! I tend to waffle on ha ha.

      You're welcome, anytime! Thank you so much!

      Good luck on yours and let me know how you go with the 1200 calorie. I hope you find what works for you :)
