Wednesday 28 May 2014

Weigh In Wednesday! - Lite n' Easy Week 19 Weightloss Journey - Week Nineteen Weigh In

weightloss blog
Nothing lost, nothing gained
Week Nineteen

This is a new one, I didn’t gain or lose this week but stayed the same and I’m okay with that.  I have lost 19.4 kg and I am comfortable in my own skin again and that is far more important than what the scale displays.  It took me a long time to realise that. 

Sure, it would have been nice to make it to the round number of 20 kg this week, but I will get there and there is no rush.  Because it’s about more than the destination, it’s all about the journey and I’m having too much fun sharing it with you all ;)

Things have been all over the place and I’m just getting things sorted and getting back to routine.

Weightloss Week 19

Weight lost this week: 0.0 kg
Starting Weight: 148.8 kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 129.4 kg (285 pounds)
Total weightloss: 19.4 kg (42.76 pounds)

Thoughts on this week

I’ve been in quite a bit of pain due to my jaw but I’m off to the doctors to get it sorted out, it has been causing a lot of issues and migraines.  I am slowly getting back some solid sleep so I will soon be back into a regular routine and then it will flow on to my food, exercise, weightloss etc etc.

Goals for next week

Slowly but surely get back into the swing of things, it’s a slow and steady process but I can’t wait to be back into a regular exercise routine!

I've decided not to include the extra figures on Muscle Mass, Body Fat Percentage etc, as since February they haven't really changed.  I still have my initial figures on this blog so I will compare them later on in my journey.  If there is a significant difference I will mention it in the weigh in post.

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