Wednesday 21 May 2014

Weigh In Wednesday! - Lite n' Easy Week 18 Weightloss Journey - Week Eighteen Weigh In

0.9 kg Loss This Week.  19.4 kg Total Loss!
Week Eighteen
Weightloss Week 18

Weight lost this week: 0.9 kg (1.98 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8 kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 129.4 kg (285 pounds)
Total weightloss: 19.4 kg (42.76 pounds)

Thoughts on this week

It was a short week really, I did weigh in Wednesday on Friday, so I lost 0.9 kg in 5 days!  I'm pretty happy about that!  I'm no longer worried that it's about stress.  I'm eating well, looking after myself and exercising when I can.  It's not huge amounts of weight so I'm not concerned.  

I'm so happy to be under the 130 kg mark! And 20 kg is 0.6kg away! WHAAAAT???? I couldn't believe it!  I have no idea what to do for my 20 kg reward as I'm not in a great financial state at the moment so it may have to wait for a while, but that's okay.  The loss is a reward in itself, isn't it ;)  I don't need something shiny to tell me how great I feel and look!

Goals for next week

Well I definitely have been keeping up with the blog.  I have really been loving it and I love the support and encouragement I get on here and I love being able to help out in any way I can too.  I'm not putting too much pressure on myself at the moment but I know my water intake hasn't been great so I'm going to increase that over the next week.

Fingers crossed for the big 20 kg next week! Let's wait and see! How exciting! 

I've decided not to include the extra figures on Muscle Mass, Body Fat Percentage etc, as since February they haven't really changed.  I still have my initial figures on this blog so I will compare them later on in my journey.  If there is a significant difference I will mention it in the weigh in post.


  1. way to go!!!! 20kg is just around the corner, you will lose it this week im sure....keep up the fantastic work, you should be so proud and you are an inspiration to everyone im sure......

    1. Thanks Shannon! I'm hoping so too :) I am so proud! I feel amazing! I can't even imagine how great I will feel as I keep going. I was hoping to inspire others and a few have said I have so I'm very happy with that. :)
