Monday, 24 February 2014

Weight Loss Week Six Day Four Lite and Easy (Lite n' Easy)

Day 4 – Saturday

lite and easy
Lite n' Easy: Breakfast

Breakfast: Multigrain Toast with Apricot Jam Mango Yoghurt

You’ll probably think that I’m a nutball but I put the yoghurt on my apricot jam toast and it was pretty yummy.

Lite and Easy
Lite n' Easy Morning Snack: Orange
Morning Snack: Orange

Can’t get enough of them lately, I have no idea why.

lite and easy
Lite n' Easy Lunch: Mexican Chicken Stack

Lunch: Mexican Chicken Stack Pear Fruit Cup

This is a pretty delicious and satisfying lunch.

Afternoon Snack: Carrot & Celery Sticks, low fat dips, water crackers, feta cheese and a few grain waves.

I went to yet another BBQ and I brought a platter containing the stuff listed above.  While I ate more than I should have I still think it’s better than eating other high fat options available.
Dinner: Lamb & fetta rissoles on a bread roll with cheese, tomato sauce, lettuce and tomato.

The meat was a little fatty, the roll was about three times the size of the Ln’E ones and I did have cheese and tomato sauce, but I don’t think it was too bad for me.  Everyone else had brownie, double cream, ice cream with ice magic and I resisted so I’m pretty proud of myself for that. 

I didn’t take photos of the food as I still feel it’s a bit socially awkward and a tad impolite so I hope you forgive me for that.

Glasses of water: 7

Additional Items:  Homemade Coffee (low fat milk, 2 sugars)
Sprite Zero 600ml

Exercise: None

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