Wednesday 7 January 2015

Weigh In Wednesday! - Week 50 Weightloss Journey

weightloss blog
0.7 kg loss this week, 36.4 kg loss in total! Whoo hoo!
Week: 50

Weight lost this week: 0.7 kg (1.54 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8 kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 112.4 kg (247.8 pounds)
Total Weightloss: 36.4 kg (80.24 pounds)

Thoughts on this week

 It has been very challenging the last few months as I have not been well.  I haven't been able to exercise but I do now have control over my diet, so I focus on that and not what I can't control.  I can't control my symptoms, so I just have to work with them, through them when I can and make the most of my good days.  I'm hoping there will be more of them this year!

Goals for next week

I haven't been drinking near enough water and this is really the time I should be!  It's far too hot not to be!  I'm going to really start trying next week and I want to share some tips with you all.

How are you all doing?

If there is anything you would like me to post about, please let me know!


  1. A couple quick things to note:

    1. Eggs are NOT dairy… I'm not sure why so many people seem to think that eggs are a dairy product, but there is absolutely no dairy in eggs… eggs are basically meat if you want to categorize them. Eggs are practically a perfect food in terms of nutrition density.

    here's an entire article I did on whole eggs vs egg whites if you haven't seen it.

    2. When trying to eliminate wheat, this usually means that almost ALL processed foods have to be eliminated because wheat components are in so many processed foods.

    Good luck with the test if you try it! Many people find it to be one of the best things they've done for their health.

    Here's another recent article that was very popular in this ezine… Basically, I did a 6-week experiment on myself and tried to overeat constantly… see what happened:
    2 Common Foods in Your Diet That May be Making You Gain Weight and Get Sick

  2. This Super Simple Morning Habit
    "Accidentally" Melted 84 LBS Of Fat
