Thursday 26 March 2015

Weigh In Wednesday! - Week 60 Weightloss Journey

Week: 60

Weight lost in 5 weeks: 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8 kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 107.5 kg (237 pounds)
Total weightloss: 41.3 kg (91 pounds)

Where have I been? Again!

I disappeared again! I feel like I'm letting down a friend when I don't blog for a while!  I had a family emergency and I had to help out.  Family comes first, so I hope you understand!

I wasn't really able to follow the Paleo diet during this time.  I skipped meals and didn't really eat very healthy at all.  It made me realise how much I miss eating healthy and the impact it has on my body.  As of last week I'm back to healthy eating again and I love it!  

I almost can't believe I'm at a 40kg weightloss!  Losing 50 kgs and being under 100 kgs was my first big milestone and I'm so close!  It seemed so far away when I first started and almost impossible and I'm so thrilled to have gotten this far. 

Thank you for your support and encouragement! Thank you for your patience and putting up with me and my disappearing acts!

How are you doing? What is your first big goal?


  1. With bistroMD you can rest assured that you will not only receive delicious entrees, but that every meal and every day in bistroMD's weight loss programs will be balanced to bistroMD's custom nutritional platform to promote an healthy diet.

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  2. This Super Simple Morning Habit
    "Accidentally" Melted 84 LBS Of Fat
