Friday 13 June 2014

Lite n' Easy Weight Loss Journey Week 22 Day 1 - Side Effects

Week 22
Day 1 - Wednesday
Side Effects

lite n easy
Beans Beans good for the heart...
Breakfast:  Baked Beans with Multigrain Mun
I was feeling nauseas but forced down my breakfast anyways.  Usually it’s the Beans n’ Bacon mix which I don’t really like, so I was happy to see it was just plain Baked Beans.  Some cheese would have helped too ;)

Morning Snack: Red Apple

I still wasn’t up to having my morning snack after breakfast.

Mmm Bolognaise....mmmm white sauce
Lunch: Baked Potato Bolognaise

By lunch I was feeling hungry and what a great lunch to have, one of my favourites.  Potato, Bolognaise, White Sauce and Cheese oh hells to the yes!

lite n easy snacks
Mmmm deliciousness
Afternoon Snack: Sweet Corn Fritters with Tomato Jam

I may have been a little too excited for my afternoon snack.  I don’t think I have ever had these with the Tomato Jam before.  I love them! So delicious!

lite n easy dinners
Mmm big, thick Steak ;)

The Steak obsession is still going strong.  This piece was bigger than the ones that I have had lately... ;)  Which confuses me because it was about the same thickness ;)  So how would this be the same calories? Hmmm?
Glasses of water: 8

Exercise: None

I’m on new medication for my migraines and I have been on them for about a month.  The specialist said that it would take this long for them to work but all I seem to be getting is a whole bunch of side effects.  I am so sick guys!  I’m dizzy and unsteady on my feet, nauseous and exhausted.  So pretty much some of the symptoms I already have! Oh the fun of medication! On the positive side, it’s supposed to help with my weightloss but to me it’s not worth it at all.

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