Thursday 17 April 2014

Weigh In Wednesday! - Lite n' Easy Week 13 Weightloss Journey - Week Thirteen Weigh In

weightloss weigh in
1.2 kg Loss! 13.5 kg in total!
Week Thirteen

So happy to be losing a kilo again after losing 300 grams last week.  A total of 13.5 kg lost! 15 kg is just around the corner! Wooo Hooo!

Weightloss Week 13

Weight lost this week: 1.2kg (2.64 pounds)
Starting Weight: 148.8kg (328 pounds)
Current weight: 135.3kg (298 pounds)
Total weightloss: 13.5kg (29.5 pounds)

Thoughts on this week

It wasn't the best week for me, I didn't binge or eat anything too bad, but I didn't eat some of my snacks and sometimes went under 1200 calories.  I didn't exercise much this week either. 

Goals for next week

I've had a lot on last week so moving forward I want to increase my water intake and keep the exercise going. 

I've decided not to include the extra figures on Muscle Mass, Body Fat Percentage etc, as since February they haven't really changed.  I still have my initial figures on this blog so I will compare them later on in my journey.  If there is a significant difference I will mention it in the weigh in post.


  1. YESSSSS!!! Great work Mel! I hope I jump back up to 1kg a week too soon.

    1. Thank you Miss Fancye! :) It's hard sometimes isn't it! Especially with all the work you put in! Don't stress, you're doing great :)

  2. Awesome work Mel, keep it are doing great
